Wonder-Full Learning

Adventures with Elephant and Piggie Literature Unit Study
Calling all Piggie and Gerald fans! Get ready to explore the humorous world of these fun-loving, adorable friends found in this highly acclaimed children’s book series designed especially for beginning readers but enjoyed by the young and old alike. Have you ever celebrated Happy Pig Day? Or discovered the wonder of Piggie’s beautiful night sky surprise?
As a class we will enjoy reading several of these delightful Elephant and Piggie books while engaging in theme related activities, discussions, and theatrical reenactments. The purpose of this class is to spark excitement for reading and cultivate confidence and knowledge in reading skills by making personal connections to enjoyable literary characters–all while exploring related topics highlighted within each book.
Cost $200/student/semester class
Annex: Fridays 10:15-11:15am

Poetry Tea Time
Tea time, anyone?
In this unique class, students will be exposed to a wide variety of poetry and the interesting lives of the authors who wrote them. They will learn that poetry can be silly or serious, a means to convey thoughts about literally any topic! We will read aloud poems, study words, look at figurative language, and create various styles of poetry together. In addition, we will also spend time learning about the history of tea, the origin of tea time, table etiquette, as well as enjoying some traditional tea time snacks!